"I was recommended this book and it did not disappoint; it is multi layered crossing so many genres with chiller aspects, suspense teasers, a feel of childhood summers and a hint of romance. It kept you on your toes and did not disappoint with the developing story and had moments that left you going "oh really..." ( in a good way!) The characters were likable and had depth and you wanted Thebes for them but there was a sadness that I won't spoil. I liked the reference to mental health. it drew on common feelings but didn't judge, or simplify. I really long and hope for a sequel. there's still so much to explore."
Elizabeth Turner - Amazon Reviewer
"This book is INSANE and I loved every second of it! Oh my goodness, I don’t really know where to start with this review. Well, the cover sucked me in straight away and I just had to read this...Apologies go to the author whose book I was in the middle of reading when I bought My Dark Self as I had to set it aside so I could immediately start it! Creepy, sinister and downright terrifying, this is a story that will get under your skin and will continue to play around in your mind long after reading it! Yes, there are some moments that will make you go hmmm really, but my advice is just go with it. It is these moments that give depth to the story and make it all the more horrifying and entertaining. I also liked how Huntley injected some comic relief throughout which offsets the more dark
and gruesome parts of the story."
Marnie Harrison - Goodreads Reviewer
"I enjoyed My True Self even more than its predecessor.
This time, Alicia is in control of the body and I loved how that worked. I think their relationship seems to work better and they work well together with Alicia in control. I know that Alicia is ‘the psychopath’ but I think her no nonsense attitude bodes her well. She knows how to appear in social settings, but she needs Josslyn in some of the situations she finds herself in. I think the two personalities have been written well and I like how that, this time, there is the agreement that they need each other’s qualities and you can tell the difference and don’t need to be told who’s point of view it is from. I think Josslyn has come on since book one (she still really likes a drink though!). I find myself routing for them both for different reasons.
There were some good twists in this book and I like how it was left for Book 3. I can’t wait to get my hands on it to see how this ends!"
Leanne Jephcott - Amazon Reviewer
"Oh my heart 💔 My Real Self is the third and final installment in the My … Self trilogy. And I am so sad it’s over!! I never expected to feel so emotional at a thriller before, and such a dark one at that. That being said, this thriller is so much more than that. Whilst it still has the elements we all LOVE in a thriller, such as the dark, gritty, gory details and the heart-racing suspense where you feel like you could jump out of your skin at any moment, it’s also a story of self discovery, having experienced the worst most unimaginable childhood traumas, but being a resilient, strong, bad ass woman despite this.
After book 2 I wasn’t sure what more she could come up with to surprise me, but she did!! The QUEEN of plot twists 👑
My Real Self is a thrilling ride full of suspense that packs an emotional punch. If you haven’t yet read this trilogy please do, I already wish I could read it for the first time all over again!"
Chelsea Courtney - Goodreads Reviewer
My Real Self
"The perfect wrap up to the series!"
"The Summoning is an incredibly crafted, beautifully written, character driven tale of horror and dark personal instability. Cleverly, the book also takes great pleasure in highlighting human fragility and in one character, shines a light on narcissism, that soon oversteps into a darker psychological exploration.
The reader is introduced to four authors, all at different stages of their writing careers. The reader takes a journey with all four writers as they struggle with their personal demons, which soon begin to run rampant as the horror of what lies beneath LaVey House is dragged from the dark into the light. The reader will soon learn never to trust an offer that sounds too good to be true and how easy it is to let your own insecurities allow you to walk straight into the darkest of traps. The horror element is beautifully delivered and will satisfy horror fans. The character driven narrative will satisfy every reader. A five-star recommendation to fans of, not only the horror genre, but to all fans of an exceptionally well crafted, beautifully written story."
Nic Winter - Amazon Reviewer